Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish Opens Up About Disconnecting from Social Media

Singer Billie Eilish has disclosed that she no longer engages with social media, having removed all social media apps from her phone. The 22-year-old shared this revelation in a preview clip from an upcoming interview on the Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend podcast.

In the clip, Eilish explains that not using social media is a significant step for her, given her upbringing without the internet. She reflects on growing up in a time when the internet was less pervasive and highlights the importance of experiencing a childhood filled with activities rather than constant online engagement.

The Happier Than Ever artist expresses discomfort with looking at posts about herself online. She describes the shift in her internet experience from being part of the online community during her pre-teen and teenage years to becoming the subject of online content. Eilish finds the experience unsettling and touches on the susceptibility to believing information on the internet, despite knowing its potential lack of truth.

This move away from social media follows Eilish’s 2020 video addressing body shaming, where she critiques the online scrutiny of her fashion choices.
